Toto jsou Putinovy bezpečnostní záruky. Pro všechny, kdo s ním chtějí vyjednávat
24. 8. 2023
This is how security guarantees of Putin and Lukashenko look like.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 23, 2023
A visual for those who still want to "negotiate" pic.twitter.com/4sJB3Ulovu
Wagner PMC mercenaries are going to take revenge on Putin and Shoigu for the death of their leader. Calls for revenge against the killers fill the chat rooms of Prigozhin's channels. Law enforcers of two regions have been raised on alert. pic.twitter.com/TuMd73p445
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 23, 2023
Ústředí skupiny Wagner ve středu večer:
"Wagner Center" in St. Petersburg ✝️ pic.twitter.com/9oXyLMrZZh
— MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) August 23, 2023
Valery Chekalov, another Prigozhin's deputy, was also found among the dead. He was in charge of the Wagner security service. https://t.co/yhfKPGKk61
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 23, 2023
Ruský "vojenský blogger":
"Jevgenij Prigožin si byl naprosto jistý svou bezpečností.
Byl na cestě k jednání o Africe s opravdu dobrými, podle jeho názoru, možnostmi a scénáři.
Věřil, že druh průlomu, který navrhuje, je stokrát významnější než škody způsobené vzpourou."
Russian "military blogger":
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) August 23, 2023
"Yevgeny Prigozhin was absolutely sure of his safety.
He was on his way to negotiate about Africa with really good, in his opinion, options and scenarios.
He believed that the kind of breakthrough he was proposing was a hundred times greater than the… pic.twitter.com/ZxJdFc3Tv2
Putin po zabití Prigožina:
Putin after taking down Prigozhinpic.twitter.com/QrZw6YovY7
— s (@slaychau_) August 23, 2023
Známky střelby na havarovaném letadle:
👀 Footage from the crash site of Prigozhin's plane. You can see numerous holes from the striking elements of a missile (an air defense system)! pic.twitter.com/4PmxPsSYfh
— MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) August 23, 2023